Jessica: Computer Science & Research
I have had people looking for "Dr. Jones" to walk right past me...the only person standing in the room.
There have also been those who were visibly shocked that "Jessica Jones," as a person they had never met, was me, this Black girl with a big fro.
Or the time someone told me they had research older than me.
Or when I'm "Jessica" but someone else is "Dr."
There was also the time when a professor told me I could build an app to calculate how much money I could spend on makeup and shoes...I don't even wear makeup and heels like that.
Was it because I'm Black? A woman? Because I have natural hair? Who knows. But, I know the responses would've been different if I wasn't me. If I didn't look like this. What I won't do though is hide or shrink myself. I won't sit all the way in the back. I will insist that you use my title in formal settings. I will rock my locs proudly and not consider what others may think. In an effort to not be seen as sensitive and defensive, I let a lot of things go, didn't want to rock the boat. Not today.
Not in 2021.
That's dead.
Now, has this all been easy? Heck no. But, I deserve it.